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Farsi Reading: Improve Your Reading Skill and Discover the Art, Culture and History of Iran: For Advanced Farsi (Persian) Learners
Reza NazariBu kitabı nə dərəcədə bəyəndiniz?
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Immerse yourself in Farsi readings and improve your comprehension skills FAST!
For Intermediate and Advanced Learners
Organized by specific reading skills, this book is designed to enhance students' Farsi reading. The entertaining topics motivate students to learn. Lively reading passages present high-interest subjects for most Farsi speakers. The short essays deepen student knowledge while strengthening reading skills.
Fifty articles in this book representing a diversity of interests intended to develop topics of central interest to Farsi language, culture, and society. Each of the book's topics is a simple essay about Iran's language, geography, culture and history.
The Best Farsi Reading Book!
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For Intermediate and Advanced Learners
Organized by specific reading skills, this book is designed to enhance students' Farsi reading. The entertaining topics motivate students to learn. Lively reading passages present high-interest subjects for most Farsi speakers. The short essays deepen student knowledge while strengthening reading skills.
Fifty articles in this book representing a diversity of interests intended to develop topics of central interest to Farsi language, culture, and society. Each of the book's topics is a simple essay about Iran's language, geography, culture and history.
The Best Farsi Reading Book!
What Are You Waiting For?
Get this book now and enjoy learning Farsi today!
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Not sure yet?Watch FREE YouTube vidoes reviewing this book by the author: https: //goo.gl/KTm6oo
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Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 5.31 MB
Sizin teqləriniz:
CID , CID Blake2b
persian, 2014
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