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- Jazz Hanon (Hanon Series)
Jazz Hanon (Hanon Series)
Leo AlfassyBu kitabı nə dərəcədə bəyəndiniz?
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If you have no other Jazz sheet music this is worth buying at the right price. It covers the basic harmony you need to know and it covers some of the more common Jazz styles such as block chord, stride etc. However it is noteably poor in its discussion of improvisation. There is none! Thats pretty poor for a book on Jazz. It also only only covers 'modern voicings' and 'scales and modes' in the last few pages of the book. This book was published in 1980 originally, and what in the authors eyes might have been seen as minority stylings then, are now the standard way modern Jazz Pianists play. BTW I'm not running down old-style Jazz Piano - I love stride Piano. But the truth these days is that most Jazz Pianists now continue in the tradition of Bill Evans/Keith Jarrett/Herbie Hancock etc. I could certainly recommend this to a relative beginner, but for the more experienced musician there are many more interesting and informative books to get.
Content Type:
Music Sales America
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
Hanon Series
PDF, 6.41 MB
Sizin teqləriniz:
CID , CID Blake2b
persian, 1992
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